Contactless_fingerprint |
All Publications
- Chengdong Dong* and Ajay Kumar,, "Synthesis of Multi-View 3D Fingerprints to Advance Contactless Fingerprint Identification," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp. 13134 - 13151, November 2023

- Zhenyu Zhou and Ajay Kumar,, "Completely Contactless and Online Finger Knuckle Identification for Real-World Applications," IEEE J. Selected Topics in Signal Processing, pp. 648-661, May 2023

- Yulin Feng* and Ajay Kumar,, "Detecting Locally, Patching Globally: An End-To-End Framework for High Speed and Accurate Detection of Fingerprint Minutiae," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 1720-1733, March 2023

- Kuo Wang* and Ajay Kumar, "Human Identification in Metaverse Using Egocentric Iris Recognition," TechArXiv, DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.19750411.v1,, pp 1-13, May 2022

- Kevin Ho Man Cheng* and Ajay Kumar, "Deep Feature Collaboration for Challenging 3D Finger Knuckle Identification," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 1158 - 1173, September 2021

- Hanzhuo Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Minutiae Attention Network with Reciprocal Distance Loss for Contactless to Contact-based Fingerprint Identification," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 3299 - 3311, April 2021

- Kevin Ho Man Cheng* and Ajay Kumar, "Efficient and Accurate 3D Finger Knuckle Matching using Surface Key Points," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 8903 - 8915, September 2020

- Kevin Ho Man Cheng* and Ajay Kumar, "Contactless Biometric Identification using 3D Finger Knuckle Patterns," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, pp. 1868-1883, August 2020

- Hanzhuo Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Towards More Accurate Contactless Fingerprint Minutiae Extraction and Pose-Invariant Matching," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 3924 - 3937, July 2020

- Yang Liu and Ajay Kumar, "Contactless Palmprint Identification Using Deeply Learned Residual Features," IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, pp. 172-181, April 2020

- Zijing Zhao* and Ajay Kumar, "A Deep Learning based Unified Framework to Detect, Segment and Recognize Irises using Spatially Corresponding Features," Pattern Recognition, pp. 546-557, October 2019

- Ajay Kumar, "Toward Pose Invariant and Completely Contactless Finger Knuckle Recognition," IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, pp. 201–209, July 2019

- Qian Zheng*, Ajay Kumar, Boxin Shi and Gang Pan, "Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 3177-3191, July 2019

- Chenhao Lin* and Ajay Kumar, "A CNN-based Famework for Accurately Matching Contactless to Contact-based Fingerprints," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 662-676, March 2019

- Kevin Ho Man Cheng* and Ajay Kumar, "Revisiting Outlier Rejection Approach for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 1544-1555, March 2019

- Ajay Kumar, "Toward More Accurate Matching of Contactless Palmprint Images Under Less Constrained Environments," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 34-47, January 2019

- Chenhao Lin* and Ajay Kumar, "Contactless and Partial 3D Fingerprint Recognition using Multi-view Deep Representation," Pattern Recognition, pp. 314-327, December 2018

- Chenhao Lin* and Ajay Kumar, "Tetrahedron Based Fast 3D Fingerprint Identification Using Colored LEDs Illumination," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, pp. 3022-3033, December 2018

- Kuo Wang* and Ajay Kumar, "Towards More Accurate Iris Recognition using Dilated Residual Features," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 3233 – 3245, December 2018

- Zijing Zhao* and Ajay Kumar, "Improving Periocular Recognition by Explicit Attention to Critical Regions in Deep Neural Network," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 2937-2952, December 2018

- Chenhao Lin* and Ajay Kumar, "Matching Contactless and Contact-Based Conventional Fingerprint Images for Biometrics Identification," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 2008-2020, May 2018

- Cihui Xie and Ajay Kumar, "Finger Vein Identification using Convolutional Neural Network and Supervised Discrete Hashing," Pattern Recognition Letters, pp. 1-10, January 2018

- Zijing Zhao* and Ajay Kumar, "Accurate periocular recognition under less constrained environment using semantics-assisted convolutional neural network," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 1017-1030, May 2017

- N. Pattabhi Ramiah and Ajay Kumar, "Towards more accurate iris recognition using cross-spectral matching," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 208-221, January 2017

- Ajay Kumar and Zhihuan Xu, "Personal identification using minor knuckle patterns from palm dorsal surface," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, pp. 2338-2348, October 2016

- Qian Zheng*, Ajay Kumar and Gang Pan, "A 3D Feature Descriptor Recovered from a Single 2D Palmprint Image," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, vol. 38, pp. 1272-1279, July 2016

- Qian Zheng*, Ajay Kumar and Gang Pan, "Suspecting Less and Achieving More: New Insights on Palmprint Identification for Faster and more Accurate Palmprint Matching," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 11, pp. 633-641, March 2016

- Aythami Morales, Ajay Kumar and Miguel A. Ferrer, "Interdigital palm region for biometric identification," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 142, pp. 125-133, January 2016

- Ajay Kumar and Bichai Wang, "Recovering and matching minutiae patterns from finger knuckle images," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 68, pp. 361-367, December 2015

- Ajay Kumar and Cyril Kwong, "Towards contactless, low-cost and accurate 3D fingerprint identification," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, pp. 681-696, March 2015

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Accurate iris recognition at-a-distance using stablized iris encoding and Zernike moments phase features," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 23, pp. 3962-3974, September 2014

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Efficient and accurate at-a-distance iris recognition using geometric key based iris encoding," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 9, pp. 1518-1526, September 2014

- Ajay Kumar, "Importance of being unique from finger dorsal patterns: Exploring minor finger knuckle patterns in verifying human identities," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 9, pp. 1288-1298, August 2014

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Towards online iris and periocular recognition under relaxed imaging constraints," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 22, pp. 3751-3765, October 2013

- Ajay Kumar and Tak-Shing Chan, "Robust ear identification using sparse representation of local texture descriptors," Pattern Recognition, vol. 46, issue 1, pp. 73-85, January 2013

- Tak-Shing Chan and Ajay Kumar, "Reliable ear identification using 2D quadrature filters," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 33, issue 14, pp. 1870-1881, October 2012

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "A unified framework for automated iris segmentation using distantly acquired face images," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 4068-4078, September 2012

- Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou, "Human identification using finger images," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 21, pp. 2228-2244, April 2012

- Ajay Kumar and Chenye Wu, "Automated human identification using ear imaging," Pattern Recognition, vol. 41, no. 5, March 2012

- Yingbo Zhou and Ajay Kumar, "Human identification using palm-vein images," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1159-1274, December 2011

- Aythami Morales, Miguel A. Ferrer, and Ajay Kumar, "Towards contactless palmprint authentication," IET Computer Vision, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 407-416, November 2011

- Ajay Kumar and Sumit Shekhar, "Personal identification using multibiometrics rank-level fusion," IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, pp. 743-752, vol. 41, no. 5, September 2011

- Vivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, and David Zhang, "Contactless and pose invariant biometric identification using hand surface," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1014, 1027, September 2011

- Vivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, and David Zhang, "A unified framework for contactless hand identification," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1415-1424, May 2011

- Ajay Kumar and Arun Passi, "Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal authentication," Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 1016-1026, March 2010

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Improving biometric authentication performance from the user quality," IEEE Trans. Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 59, pp. 730-735, March 2010

- Ajay Kumar, Vivek Kanhangad, and David Zhang, "A new framework for adaptive multimodal biometrics management," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, pp. 92-102, March 2010

- David Zhang, Vivek Kanhangad, Luo Nan, and Ajay Kumar, "Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features," Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 358-368, January 2010

- Ajay Kumar and K. V. Prathyusha, "Personal authentication using hand vein triangulation and knuckle shape," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 38, pp. 2127-2136, September 2009

- Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou, "Personal identification using finger knuckle orientation features," Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 20, September 2009

- Amioy Kumar and Ajay Kumar, "Development of a new cryptographic construct using palmprint based fuzzy vault," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, ASP/967046, September 2009

- Jay Bhatnagar and Ajay Kumar, "On estimating performance indices for biometric identification," Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1803-1815, September 2009

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "User authentication using fusion of face and palmprint," Intl. J. Image & Graphics, vol. 9., no. 2, pp. 251-270, April 2009

- Ajay Kumar and Ch. Ravikanth, "Personal authentication using finger knuckle surface," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 98-110, March 2009

- P. Venkata Reddy, Ajay Kumar, S. M. K. Rahman, and Tanvir Singh Mundra, "A new antispoofing approach for biometric devices," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Circuits & Sys., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 284-293, December 2008

- Vivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, and David Zhang, "Comments on an adaptive multimodal biometric management algorithm," IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 438-440, November 2008

- Tanvir Singh Mundra and Ajay Kumar, "Micro power battery state-of-charge monitor," IEEE Trans Consumer Electronics, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 623-630, May 2008

- Ajay Kumar, "Computer vision based fabric defect detection: a survey," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 348-363, January 2008

- Tanvir Singh Mundra and Ajay Kumar, "An innovative battery charger for the safe charging of NiMH/NiCd batteries," IEEE Trans Consumer Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1044-1052, August 2007

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Hand geometry recognition using entropy-based discretization," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics & Security, vol. 2, pp. 181-187, June 2007

- Ajay Kumar, David C. M. Wong, Helen C. Shen, and Anil K. Jain, "Personal authentication using hand images," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 27, pp. 1478-1486, October 2006

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Personal recognition using hand-shape and texture," IEEE Trans. Image Process, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 2454-2461, August 2006

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Integrating shape and texture for hand verification," Intl. J. Image & Graphics, vol. 6., no. 1, pp. 1-13, January 2006

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Personal authentication using multiple palmprint representation," Pattern Recognition, vol. 38, pp. 1695-1704, October 2005

- Ajay Kumar, "Neural network based defection of local textile defects," Pattern Recognition, vol. 36, pp. 1645-1659, July 2003

- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Defect detection in textured materials using optimized filters," IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Cybernetics, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 553-570, October 2002

- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Defect detection in textured materials using Gabor filters," IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 425-440, March 2002

- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Fabric defect segmentation using multi-channel blob detectors," Optical Engineering, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3176-3190, December 2000

- Ajay Kumar and Qian Zheng, "A Method and Device For Contactless Biometrics Identification," U. S. Patent No. 14798573, July 2017
- Ajay Kumar and Cyril Kwong, "Method of 3D biometrics identification," U. S. Patent No. 9483681, November 2016
- Ajay Kumar and Cyril Kwong, "Contactless 3D biometric feature identification system and method thereof," U. S. Patent No. 8953854, February 2015
- Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou, "Method and apparatus for human identification using finger imaging," U. S. Patent No. US8872909, October 2014
- David Zhang and Ajay Kumar, "Method of multi-modal biometric recognition using hand-shape and palmprint," U. S. Patent No. 8, 135, 181, March 2012
- Grantham Pang and Ajay Kumar, "Method of and device for inspecting images to detect defects," U. S. Patent No. 6, 804, 381, October 2004
- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Defect detection system for quality assurance using automated visual inspection," U. S. Patent No. 6, 753, 965, July 2004
- Chengdong Dong*, Ajay Kumar, Eryun Liu, "Think Twice Before Detecting GAN-generated Fake Images from their Spectral Domain Imprints," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2022, pp. 7855-7864, New Orleans, USA, June 2022

- Ajay Kumar, "Contactless Finger Knuckle Authentication under Severe Pose Deformations," 8th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, pp. 1-6, Porto, Portugal, May 2020

- Ritesh Vyas, Ajay Kumar, "A Collaborative Approach using Ridge-Valley Minutiae for More Accurate Contactless Fingerprint Identification," arXiv, 1-15, arXiv, Hong Kong, September 2019

- Abhinav Anand , Amioy Kumar , Ajay Kumar, "Multibiometrics User Recognition using Adaptive Cohort Ranking," Proc. 12th Intl. Conf. Biometrics, ICB 2019, 1-8, Crete, Greece, June 2019

- Kevin H. M. Cheng and Ajay Kumar, "Advancing Surface Feature Description and Matching for More Accurate Biometric Recognition," 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2018, 1051-4651, Beijing, China, August 2018

- Qian Zheng, Ajay Kumar, and Gang Pan, "Contactless 3D Fingerprint Identification without 3D Reconstruction," Proc. Intl. Workshop Biometrics & Forensics, Alghero, Italy, June 2018., 1-6, Alghero, Italy, June 2018

- Zijing Zhao* and Ajay Kumar, "Towards More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Deeply Learned Spatially Corresponding Features," International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2017, pp. 1-10, Venice, Italy, Italy, October 2017

- Ajay Kumar and Kuo Wang, "Identifying Humans by Matching their Left Palmprint with Right Palmprint Images using Convolutional Neural Network," First International Workshop on Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition, DLPR 2016, pp. 1-6, Cancun, Mexico, December 2016

- Jun Liu and Ajay Kumar, "Detecting sensor level spoof attacks using joint encoding of temporal and spatial features," 7th Intl. Conf. Imaging and Crime Detection, ICDP 2016, pp. 1-6, Madrid, Spain, November 2016

- Pattabhi Ramaiah and Ajay Kumar, "On Matching Cross-Spectral Periocular Images for Accurate Biometrics Identification," International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2016, pp. 1-6, Buffalo, USA, September 2016

- Tsung Yin Wang and Ajay Kumar, "Recognizing human faces under disguise and makeup," 2nd Intl. Conf. Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis, ISBA 2016, pp. 1-7, Sendai, Japan, March 2016

- Zijing Zhao*, Ajay Kumar, "An accurate iris segmentation framework under related imaging constraints," Proc. ICCV 2015, pp. 3828-3836, Santiago, Chile, December 2015

- Fieke Hillerstorm, Ajay Kumar, Raymond Veldhuis, "Generating and analyzing synthetic finger-vein images," Proc. BIOSIG 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2014

- Amoy Kumar, Ajay Kumar, "Adaptive security for human surveillance using multimodal open set biometric recognition," Proc. ICPR 2014, pp. 405-410, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2014

- Lie Nie, Ajay Kumar, Song Zhan, "Periocular recognition using unsupervised convolutional RBM feature learning," Proc. ICPR 2014, pp. 299-404, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2014

- Ajay Kumar and Zhihuan Xu, "Can we use second minor finger knuckle patterns to identify humans?," Proc. CVPR 2014, CVPRW'14, pp.106-112, Columbus, Ohio, June 2014

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Integrating ocular and iris descriptors for fake iris image detection," Proc. IWBF 2014, Valetta, Malta, March 2014

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Adaptive and localized iris weight map for accurate iris recognition under less constrained environments," Proc. BTAS 2013, pp. 1-7, Washington DC, USA, September 2013

- Ajay Kumar, Cyril Kwong, "Towards contactless, low-cost and accurate 3D fingerprint identification," Proc. CVPR 2013, pp. 3438-3443, Washington DC, USA, June 2013

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Human identification from at-a-distance images by simultaneously exploiting iris and periocular features," Proc. ICPR 2012, pp. 553-556, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012

- Ajay Kumar, "Can we use minor finger knuckle images to identify humans?," Proc. BTAS 2012, pp. 55-60, Washington DC, USA, September 2012

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Efficient iris segmentation using grow-cut algorithm for distantly acquired iris images," Proc. BTAS 2012, pp. 99-104, Washington DC, USA, September 2012

- Kam Yuen Cheng and Ajay Kumar, "Contactless finger knuckle identification using smartphones," Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. BIOSIG 2012, pp. 1-6, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012

- Sum Yu Mok and Ajay Kumar, "Addressing biometrics security and privacy related challenges in China," Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. BIOSIG 2012, pp. 1-8, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012

- Ajay Kumar and Tak-Shing Chan, "Iris recognition using quaternionic sparse orientation code (QSOC)," Proc. CVPR 2012, CVPRW'12, pp. 59-64, Providence, USA, June 2012

- Ajay Kumar, Tak-Shing Chan, and Chun-Wei Tan*, "Human identification from at-a-distance face images using sparse representation of local iris features," Proc. ICB 2012, New Delhi, India, April 2012

- Aythami Morales, Ajay Kumar, and Miguel A. Ferrer, "Incorporating color information for reliable palmprint authentication," Proc. ICIP 2011, Brussels, Belgium, September 2011

- Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou, "Contactless fingerprint identification using level zero features," Proc. CVPR 2011, pp. 121-126, Colorado Springs, USA, June 2011

- Chun-Wei Tan* and Ajay Kumar, "Automated segmentation of iris images using visible wavelength face images," Proc. CVPR 2011, CVPRW'11, pp. 9-14, Colorado Springs, USA, June 2011

- Ajay Kumar and Sumit Shekhar, "Palmprint recognition using rank-level fusion," Proc. ICIP 2010, Hong Kong, China, September 2010

- Aythami Morales, Miguel A. Ferrer, and Ajay Kumar, "Improved palmprint authentication using contactless imaging," Proc. BTAS 2010, Washington DC, USA, September 2010

- Yingbo Zhou and Ajay Kumar, "Contactless palmvein identification using multiple representations," Proc. BTAS 2010, Washington DC, USA, September 2010

- Yingbo Zhou and Ajay Kumar, "Personal identification from iris images using localized Radon transform," Proc. ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010

- Vivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, and David Zhang, "Human hand identification with 3D hand pose variations," Proc. CVPR 2010, CVPRW'10, pp. 17-21, San Francisco, USA, June 2010

- Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou, "Human identification using knucklecodes," Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. Biometrics, Theory and Applications, BTAS'09, pp. 147-152, Washington DC, USA, September 2009

- Vivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, and David Zhang, "Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric verification," Proc. CVPR 2009, CVPRW'09, pp. 39-44, Miami, USA, June 2009

- Ajay Kumar, "Incorporating cohort information for reliable palmprint authentication," Proc. ICVGIP 2008, pp. 583-590, Bhubneswar, India, December 2008

- Ajay Kumar and T. Srikanth, "Online personal identification in night using multiple representation," Proc. ICPR 2008, Tampa, USA, December 2008

- Ajay Kumar and Arun Passi, "Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal identification," Proc. CVPR 2008, pp. 21-27, Anchorage, USA, June 2008

- Ajay Kumar and K. V. Prathyusha, "Personal authentication using hand vein triangulation," Proc. SPIE Conf Biometric Technology for human identification, vol. 6944, pp. 69440E-69440E-13, Orlando, USA, March 2008

- Amioy Kumar and Ajay Kumar, "A palmprint based cryptosystem using double encryption," Proc. SPIE Conf Biometric Technology for human identification, vol. 6944, pp. 69440D-69440D-9, Orlando, USA, March 2008

- P. Venkata Reddy, Ajay Kumar, S. M. K. Rahman, and Tanvir Singh Mundra, "A new method for fingerprint antispoofing using pulse oximetry," Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. Biometrics, Theory and Applications, pp. 36-41, Washington DC, USA, September 2007

- Jay Bhatnagar* and Ajay Kumar, "On some performance indices for biometric identification system," Proc. ICB 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag GmbH, vol. 4642, pp. 1043-1056, Seoul, South Korea, August 2007

- Jay Bhatnagar*, Ajay Kumar, and Nipun Saggar, "A novel approach to improve biometric recognition using rank level fusion," Proc. CVPR 2007, pp. 1-6, Minneapolis, USA, June 2007

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Biometric recognition using entropy-based discretization," Proc. ICASSP 2007, pp. 125-128, Honolulu, USA, April 2007

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Ear authentication using Log-Gabor wavelets," Proc. SPIE Conf Biometric Technology for human identification, vol. 6539, DS 36, pp.134-139, Orlando, USA, April 2007

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Combining fingerprint, palmprint and hand-shape for user authentication," Proc. ICPR 2006, pp. 549-552, Hong Kong, China, August 2006

- Jay Bhatnagar* and Ajay Kumar, "Estimating sample size requirements for reliable personal authentication using user-specific samples," Proc. CVPR 2006, pp. 36-41, New York, USA, June 2006

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Feature selection and combination in biometrics," Proc. AVBPA 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag GmbH, vol. 3546, pp. 813-822, Rye Brook, USA, July 2005

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Integrating shape and texture for hand verification," Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. Image & Graphics, ICIG 2004, pp. 222-225, Hong Kong, China, December 2004

- Ajay Kumar and Helen C. Shen, "Palmprint identification using PalmCodes," Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. Image & Graphics, ICIG 2004, pp. 258-261, Hong Kong, China, December 2004

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Palmprint authentication using multiple classifiers," Proc. SPIE Symposium on Defense & Security - Biometric Technology for Human Identification, vol. 5404, pp. 20-29, Orlando, USA, April 2004

- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang, "Integrating palmprint with face for user authentication," Proc. Multi Modal User Authentication Workshop, pp. 107-112, Santa Barbara, USA, December 2003

- Ajay Kumar and Helen C. Shen, "Recognition of Palmprint using Eigenpalms," Proc.CVPRIP-2003, Cary, USA, September 2003

- Ajay Kumar, David C. M. Wong, Helen C. Shen, and Anil K. Jain, "Personal verification using palmprint and hand geometry biometric," Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Authentication (AVBPA), pp. 668-675, Guildford, UK, June 2003

- Ajay Kumar, "Inspection of surface defects using optimal FIR filters," Proc. ICASSP-2003, pp. 241-244, Hong Kong, China, April 2003

- Ajay Kumar and Helen Shen, "Texture inspection for defects using neural networks and support vector machines," Proc. ICIP-2002, pp. 353-356, Rochester, USA, September 2002

- Ajay Kumar, "Automated inspection of textured web materials using real Gabor functions," Proc. SPIE, 2nd Intl. Conf. Image & Graphics, ICIG-2002, pp. 59-62, Hefei, China, August 2002

- Ajay Kumar and Helen Shen, "Recognition of palmprints using wavelet-based features," Proc. Intl. Conf. Sys., Cybern., SCI-2002, Orlando, USA, July 2002

- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Identification of surface defects in textured materials using wavelet packets," Proc. 36th IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, vol. 1 pp. 247-251, Illinois, USA, September 2001

- Grantham Pang and Ajay Kumar, "Wavelet based detection of local textile defects," Proc. 8th IEEE Intl. Conf. Mechatronics & Machine Vision, M2VIP'2001, pp. 428-431, Hong Kong, China, August 2001

- Grantham Pang, Raymond Wong, Hugh Liu, Thomas Kwan, and Ajay Kumar, "CAVIS: A low-cost fabric defect inspection machine based on machine Vision," Proc. Asian Textile Conf, Hong Kong, China, August 2001

- Ajay Kumar and Grantham Pang, "Defect detection in textured materials using Gabor filters," Proc. 35th IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, October 2000

Edited Books
- Ajay Kumar and David Zhang (Eds), "Ethics and Policy of Biometrics," Springer Verlag, January 2010
Book Chapters
- Vivek Kanhangad and Ajay Kumar, "Personal verification from geometry of human hands", Advanced Topics in Biometrics, H. Li, K.-A. Toh and L. Li (Eds), World Scientific, September 2011

- Ajay Kumar, "Computer vision based fabric defect analysis and measurement", Computer Technology for Textiles and Apparel, J. Hu (Eds), Woodhead Publishing, July 2011
- Ajay Kumar, "Dynamic security management in multibiometrics", Multibiometrics for Human Identification, B. Bhanu and V. Govindaraju (Eds), Cambridge University Press, April 2011

- Ajay Kumar, "Rank level fusion", Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Stan Z. Li (Eds), Springer, August 2009

- Amioy Kumar, Tanvir S. Mundra and Ajay Kumar, "Hand anatomy", Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Stan Z. Li (Eds), Springer, August 2009