Dr. Bin Xiao's Homepage


Current Ph.D./MPhil Students

  • Xinqi Lyu, Xuyuan Cai, Bowen Cui (2023, Central South Univ., SEU, Beihang Univ.), research topic -- "AI security", "DID"
  • Bin Xie, Yuhuan Liu, Huijiong Yang (2022, Chongqing Univ., SUSTech, TYUT), research topic -- "AI model privacy", "Web3"
  • Jianhuan Wang (2022, Jinan Univ.), research topic -- "Blockchain Security"
  • Rui Song, Yanjie Li (2021, SEU, Zhejiang Univ.), research topic -- "Blockchain and Privacy", "AI security"
  • Kaisheng Liang, Xuelong Dai, Zhonghao Liu (2020, Fudan, NJUPT, BUPT), research topic -- "AI security", "Blockchain"
  • LapHou Lao (Ph.D., from PolyU, 2019 - present), research topic -- "Data Privacy in Blockchain"

Kong Scholars Program (香江學者計劃 )

  • MingXing Duan (from HNU, 2020-2022), research topic -- "AI Security and Privacy"

Current PostDoc and RA

  • Bing Chen (RA, from Southeast Univ., 2023), research topic -- "Web3 and DID"
  • Jichen Li (RA, from Beijing Univ., 2023), research topic -- "Blockchain Layer 2"

Former Students, PostDoc and RAs

  • Jinwen Liang (Postdoc, from Hunan University, 2023 - 2024), research topic -- "Data security in the Blockchain"
  • Zecheng Li (Ph.D., 2017 - 2022, got the Research Assistant Professor offer from the HK Polytechnic Univ.), research topic -- "Blockchain Security"
  • Xinwei Du (PostDoc, from NUS, Singapore, 2019 - 2020), research topic -- "Data provenance in the Blockchain"
  • Xiaohai Dai (RA, from HUST, 2019 - 2020), research topic -- "Blockchain System Deveopment"
  • Hao Xu (RA, from Tianjin Univ., 2019 - 2020), research topic -- "Query verification in the Blockchain"
  • Tongqing Zhou (from NUDT), research topic -- "Mobile crowdsensing"
  • Yuan Yao (from northwest polytechnical university), research topic -- "VANET Security"
  • Shang Gao (Ph.D., 2014 - 2018, got the Research Assistant Professor offer from the HK Polytechnic Univ.), research topic -- "SDN Security and Blockchain Security"
  • Zhe Peng (Ph.D., got the Research Assistant Professor offer from the HK Baptist Univ., visitor to Stony Brook Univ.), research topic -- "Smartphone Technology and Blockchain"
  • Xin Xie (from Daliang Univ. of Technology), research topic -- "RFID Protocols and Algorithms"
  • Xiulong Liu (Previous RA from Daliang Univ. of Technology), research topic -- "RFID Security and Applications"
  • Jia Liu (Previous RA from Nanjing Univ.), research topic -- "RFID Protocols".
  • Feng Zhu (Previous RA from Nanjing Univ.), research topic -- "RFID Applications".
  • Xuan Liu (Ph.D., now a faculty staff in Hunan Univ., China), research topic -- "RFID systems"
  • Kai Bu (Ph.D., now a faculty staff in ZJU, China), research topic -- "Wireless localization/RFID protocol and security".
  • Qingjun Xiao (Ph.D., now a faculty staff in the Southeast Univ., China), research topic -- "Mobile Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks".
  • Jiaqing Luo (Ph.D., now a faculty staff in UESTC, China), research topic -- "P2P network security".
  • Guobin Liu (Ph.D., now at Tencent), research topic -- "Wireless security".
  • Yong Tang (Previous exchange student), research topic -- "Worms".
  • Yu Hua (Previous RA, now an Associate Prof. in Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology ), research topic -- "Data Storage".
  • Lin Chen (Previous RA, now at IBM China Research Lab), research topic -- "Reliable localization in wireless sensor networks".
  • Wei Chen (Previous RA, now an Associate Prof. in NJUPT), research topic -- "DDoS Attacks".
  • Fei Wang, Hu Guan, Bo Yu, Hekang Chen, Zhaochun Yu (Previous RAs).