EE 201P

Digital Electronics Laboratory II









Experiment # 7

September 2006


I. Objectives


(a)    Learning the use of ALTERA FLEX 10K kit using MAXPLUS II GUI for simulation and downloading the circuit on the board.


II. Problem Statement


In this Lab your job is to understand the Altera kit and MAX Plus software. Please make sure that you have visited exp # 7-9 support links available on this website before visiting the lab. The  TAs will give make the live demo illustrating the usage of GUI. They will demonstrate the functionality of the Max Plus by the examples of an AND gate, JK Flip Flop and a Counter. After this you have to design, simulate and develop the Full Adder using the Altera kit and MAXPLUS II software. The logic circuit should be implemented in the lab (but designed before arriving in the lab) and shown to the available instructor or TAs.


The output waveforms should be saved and their printout should be attached in the lab report. You can email the print file to your email address and print later for lab record.


III. Components Required


You will require the Altera Kit. It will be provided to you by the lab. You will also need a computer with MAX PLUS software installed on it. This will also be provided o you in the lab. In case of any difficulty you should contact the available instructor or TAs.   


Please make sure that you have shown the result of your implementation to the lab instructor or the TAs.


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