EE 201P

Digital Electronics Laboratory II




Experiment # 9: Design and Implementation of Combinational Logic Circuits FPGA Kit


Lab Report Format:


1. Introduction

( 0.5 points)

State the objective(s) of the experiments briefly in few sentences.

2. Background 

(0.25  points)

Here you can reproduce the design (just circuit diagram is enough)  for the required system using Karnough maps for both the problems.

3. Equipment List

( 0.5 points)

List the GUI functions that you have used for realizing the circuits.

4. Experimental Procedure

(0.75  points)

Here give the details of the procedure that you followed in the implementation. Also discuss simulated waveforms that you can visualize.

5. Analysis

(2.5 point)

Discuss the outcome of your implementation and if your circuit worked in first attempt. List the debugging procedure that you followed to detect and correct the problem. Also present the detail analysis of the timing diagrams that you obtain during simulation (this carries most of the marks in this section).

6. Conclusions

( 0.5 points)

Discuss your experience with implementation of the solution to the problem.  State the results of your implementation and whether the objective was met. 

Make sure that you have performed all pre-lab exercises and this should be visible in your lab record (about 1/2 page write-up should be attached).

Attach the printouts of the waveforms and timing diagram that you obtain

(up to -1 point if missing)

Clarity, formatting, pre-lab exercises and general layout

(up to -1 point if not followed)

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