EE 201P

Digital Electronics Laboratory II




Experiment # 2: Design and Implementation of Combinational Logic Circuits.



Lab Report Format:


1. Introduction ( 0.5 points)

State the objective(s) of the experiments briefly in few sentences.

2. Background  (0.5 point)

Briefly describe the process of converting a problem statement into logic design. Include a brief review of Karnough map and useful logic gates in your own words. Include the text of problem statement(s).  This should be at least half a page long.

3. Equipment List ( 0.5 points)

List the ICs that you have used for realizing the circuit(s). State explicitly  if you used any datasheet from the lab or from manufacturers website. Also mention if you employed any multimeter, LED or resistances..

4. Experimental Procedure (2.5  points)

Briefly describe how you converted the problem statement into logic design. This section should contain Karnough -map, truth table and corresponding minimized Boolean expression for each circuit. Show the schematic of the designed circuit and label each gate by its chip number. Make sure to include the pin numbers from the chip to show its all input and output connections.

5. Analysis ( 0.5 point)

Discuss the outcome of your implementation and if your circuit worked in first attempt. List the debugging procedure that you followed to detect and correct the problem.

6. Conclusions ( 0.5 points)

Discuss your experience with designing the solution to the problem.  State the results of your implementation and whether the objective was met. Give a brief overview of what was done and how could the implementation

Make sure that you have performed all pre-lab exercises and implemented them in lab.

Attach the Original Lab Tables with Signature(s) (up to -1 point if missing)
Clarity, Formatting, and General Layout (up to -1 point if not followed)

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