EEL 851 - Biometrics
Spring 2006
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi

Post Major Total Marks     Major test solution(s)

Presentations (Phase I and Phase II)    Pre-Major Total Marks

Instructor and Office Hours:

Ajay Kumar (ajaykr at
Office: II 202
Office hours: Tue, Fri 2:00pm - 3:30pm or by appointment.

Lecture schedule:

First Class for Spring 2006 starts on Jan 5 at II-337
Mon	17:00 - 18:30	II-337
Thu	17:00 - 18:30	II-337

Reference Books:

A. K. Jain, R. Bolle, S. Pankanti, (Ed.), BIOMETRICS: Personal Identification in Networked Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. ISBN 0-7923-8345-1. TK7882.P3 B36
J. Ashbourn, Biometrics: Advanced Identity Verification, Springer-Verlag, 2000. ISBN 1-85233-243-3. TK7882.P3 A84
Suggested Prerequisites:
CSL101, CSL102, CSL201, or equivalent.
An undergraduate level understanding of basic image processing operations and good programming skills is assumed.

Course Objectives:

The course will be directed to the graduate and postgraduate audience interested in understanding the basic concepts in biometric systems. The state-of-the-art algorithms in unimodal and multimodal biometric systems will be presented. The project component of the course is intended to provide hands-on experience to reinforce concepts of biometrics based identification discussed in this course.

Course Topics:

Click here to view the list of topics that will be covered in this course.

Teaching Materials:


The tentative weight associated with each grading component is as follows:

Grading Policy:




  • Minor 1. On 18/02/06 (17:30-18:30; II-378) - Results
  • Minor 2. On 28/03/06 (17:30-18:30; II-378) - Results


Teaching Assistant:

Useful Links:

Last updated: Monday,15 May-2006 20:41:20 IST (Ajay Kumar)