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Prof. Andy Chun

Professor of Practice, PolyU

Distinguished Fellow, HKCS

Prof. Andy Chun is a renowned AI visionary and innovator with over 30 years of experience leading technological advancements across various industries. As the leading AI pioneer in Hong Kong, he has developed ground-breaking AI solutions that have substantially improved the city's social services, quality of life, and economic development, impacting millions daily.

Prof. Chun is a Professor of Practice at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Department of Computing, concentrating on digital innovation and emerging technologies. His prior role as the Regional Director of Technology Innovation at Prudential plc saw him championing AI, fostering digital innovation, nurturing talent, and strategizing Prudential's digital ecosystem to bolster customer health and wealth.

Before Prudential, Prof. Chun was an Associate Professor at the City University of Hong Kong's Department of Computer Science and the University's Chief Information Officer. Under his tenure, he transformed the University into a global leader in using technology to nurture innovative thinkers and leaders for the 21st century.

Prof. Chun remains an honorary Adjunct Professor of the Executive MBA program at the City University of Hong Kong's College of Business. Prof. Chun founded the Hong Kong Computer Society's AI Specialist Group and served as its first Convenor. He is an advisor to various HKSAR Government committees.

He was named one of the global Computerworld Premier 100 IT Leaders, Hong Kong CIO of the Year, and the Top 5 CIOs in Greater China. He is also a Distinguished Fellow of the HK Computer Society. Prof. Chun's pioneering AI systems have garnered international acclaim, securing awards from the AAAI, APICTA, and HKICTA.

Prof. Chun holds a BSc from the Illinois Institute of Technology and an MSc and PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He also completed CIO MBA training at Boston University.
