

Maggie, Wenjie Li

Professor, Department of Computing

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


PQ707, Department of Computing

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Telephone: (852) 2766 7297

FAX: (852) 2774 0842

Electronic Mail: cswjli at comp dot polyu dot edu dot hk


Welcome to our new page at GitHub!



Upcoming Conferences

Research Projects

Research Group



The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Program

Hong Kong Scholars Program


Postdoctoral Fellows and RAs Wanted: Highly motivated, energetic and enthusiastic persons are always welcome to work with us on the topics of natural language understanding and generation, machine conversation, summarization and question answering, etc.



Latest News:

Research Position Opening: I am looking for postdocs, research associates/assistants for the projects, Emotion-Driven Conversation, Goal-Driven Conversational Recommendation, Multi-Modal Conversational Question Answering, and Causality Mining and Reasoning in NLP, etc. Good project-relevant background knowledge and deep learning programming ability are expected. A strong publication record is preferred.


Image result for new[May 16, 2024, 2024] I am extremely proud of my students' achievements. We have successfully had four papers accepted into the main conference and an additional six papers accepted into Findings at ACL2024. Congratulations to Feiteng Mu, Yongqi Li, Jian Wang, Shichao Sun, Jiashuo Wang, Kaishuai Xu, and Heming Xia.

[October 7, 2023] Congratulations to Yongqi Li and Yi Cheng for their hard work and the papers accepted into AAAI2024.

[October 7, 2023] We have 4 papers accepted into EMNLP2023. Congratulations to Chak Tou Leong, Jian Wang, Wenjun Hou and Shichao Sun.

[September 22, 2023] Congratulations to our lovely girl, Jiashuo Wang. It is really good for her to have a paper, Aligning Language Models with Human Preferences via a Bayesian Approach, accepted into NeurIPS2023.

[May 2, 2023] Congratulations to all the students who contributed. 3 papers were accepted by ACL2023 main conference (Multiview Identifiers Enhanced Generative Retrieval, ORGAN: Observation-Guided Radiology Report Generation via Tree Reasoning, and Enhancing Event Causality Identification with Counterfactual Reasoning), and 3 papers were accepted by ACL Findings (Dialogue Planning via Brownian Bridge Stochastic Process for Goal-directed Dialogue Generation, Medical Dialogue Generation via Dual Flow Modeling, and Separating Context and Pattern: Learning Disentangled Sentence Representations for Low-Data Extractive Summarization). The acceptance rate is approaching to 100%.

[November 11, 2022] Congratulations to Dongding Lin, Jian Wang and Ruifeng Yuan. Their work on Improving Conversational Recommender Systems by Collaborative Augmentation and Preserve Context Information through Interpretability for Extract-Generate Long-Input Summarization Framework was accepted into AAAI2022.

[October 6, 2022] Yi Cheng, Ruifeng Yuan and Jiashuo Wang have their papers, Few-shot Query-Focused Summarization with Prefix-Merging, CARE: Causality Reasoning for Empathetic Responses by Conditional Graph Generation and Improving Multi-turn Emotional Support Dialogue Generation with Lookahead Strategy Planning, accepted into EMNLP2022. Congratulations!

[April 21, 2022] Congratulations to Feiteng Mu, Yi Cheng and Wenge Liu. Their work on causality reasoning enhanced text generation and interpretable medical diagnosis were accepted into IJCAI2022.

[February 10, 2022] Congratulations to Yongqi Li. His work on Conversational Question Answering over Text, Tables, and Images was accepted by ACL2022.

[June 10, 2021] Jian Wang and Dongding Lin 2021 won the third prizes (fourth place) in 语言与智能技术竞赛: 多技能对话任务. ^D6C23482280EC1B1989C1C67D673F1E973631F4199DA4E979D^pimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distr

[July 26, 2017]: Yanran Li is selected as a scholarship recipient of the 2017 Women Techmakers Scholars Program!

[September 30, 2016]: Ziqiang Cao won the 2016 Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship Award!




Research Interests and Areas of Research Activities

o   Machine Conversion

o   Text Summarization

o   Question Answering

o   Causality Mining and Reasoning in NLP

o   Natural Language Understanding and Generation


Research Competitions

o   20222


(March 30, 2022 to July 5, 2021)





o   2021

MEDIQA 2021: Summarization in the Medical Domain


CCKS 2021: Entity-aware Chinese Medical Dialogue Generation

(May 20, 2021 to July 20, 2021)

ICLR 2021 Workshop: Machine Learning for Preventing and Combating Pandemics TRACK 1: MedDG: Entity-aware Medical Dialogue Generation

(March 1, 2021 to May 1, 2021)

2021语言与智能技术竞赛: 多技能对话任务

(March 1, 2021 to June 8, 2021)




