Topics: Contributions are solicited in all areas of  pervasive computing research and applications. Topics include, but not limited to:

        Pervasive computing and communication architectures

        Smart devices and intelligent environments

        Wearable computers

        Middleware services and agent technologies

        Ad Hoc networks for pervasive communications

        Sensor and RFID in pervasive systems

        Positioning and tracking technologies

        Virtual immersive communications

        Enabling technologies (e.g., wireless BAN, PAN)

        Mobile/Wireless computing systems and services in pervasive computing     

        Context aware computing

        Autonomic computing and communications

        Programming paradigms for pervasive systems

        User interfaces and interaction models

        Trust, security and privacy issues in pervasive systems

        Novel/innovative pervasive computing applications

Important Dates:

         Paper Submission:    Sep. 04, 2007    

         Author Notification: Nov. 16, 2007   

         Camera-ready Due:   Dec. 14, 2007

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