Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, The IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing The University of Texas at Arlington, The HK University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Croucher Foundation The KC Wong Education Foundation The Google Company The IBM Research Lab The Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal (Elsevier ) The US National Science Foundation The Microsoft Corporation |
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The Preliminary Workshops Advanced Program
Accepted workshop papers (PDF) Accepted workshop papers (XLS)
Work shop list
Monday March 17, 2008 http://www.ing.unipi.it/persens/ http://wwwra.informatik.uni-rostock.de/perel2008/
Friday March 21, 2007 PWN 2008: The 4th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~benl/PWN08/ Computing http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/mp2p2008/ http://www.cse.ust.hk/~qianzh/percare2008/index.htm Pervasive Communities http://aser.ornl.gov/events/atpc2008/
PerSeNS 2008 : The 4th International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive Computing http://www.ing.unipi.it/persens/ The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the main researchers working on different aspects of sensor networking for supporting pervasive computing environments. This is a very challenging task, as it involves several technological issues (sensor architectures, efficient networking protocol design, power management, security and dependability, etc.), as well as the socio-economic aspects related to the introduction of such novel paradigms and their benefits for the community. The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and application developers both from the industry and academia.
PWN08: The 4th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~benl/PWN08/ Wireless connectivity, mobility support, location awareness, and integration of wireless networks to the Internet are key research challenges in pervasive computing and communications. With the advent of inexpensive wireless solutions such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee, a number of challenges arise when these protocols are applied to wireless PAN, home networking, and wireless LANs. This workshop seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the theory, practice, and evaluation of wireless networks for pervasive computing. Exploitation of emerging wireless technologies such as transmit power and rate control, spectral agility, adaptive carrier sensing, cooperative communication as well as application of existing technologies to new applications such as wireless mesh networks and sensor networks are especially welcomed.
PerEL 2008: The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Learning http://wwwra.informatik.uni-rostock.de/perel2008/ The workshop series aims to address the issues of pervasive computing in combination with new types and possibilities of learning, teaching and working. PerEL 2008 covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of pervasive learning forcing innovative learning environments by utilization of wireless communication and wearable computing.
CoMoRea'08 : 5th Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning http://nexus.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/COMOREA/2008/index.html CoMoRea'08 : The 5th IEEE Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning Context-aware applications intelligently support user tasks by acting autonomously on behalf of users. The goal of this workshop is to identify concepts, theories and methods applicable to context modeling and context reasoning as well as system-oriented issues related to the design and implementation of context-aware systems.
MP2P'08: The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/mp2p2008/ MP2P'08 serves as a continuing forum for scientists and engineers to exchange and discuss their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of mobile P2P computing. The principal theme of MP2P'08 is the peer-to-peer paradigm as used in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETS), sensor networks, and large-scale heterogeneous overlays.
PerWare 2008 : IEEE Middleware Support for Pervasive Computing Workshop The design of middleware services to support pervasive computing is extremely challenging, posing new requirements for ease of deployment, handling of heterogeneity and scale, resilience to failure, application support and creation, and incremental deployment and evolution. Facing these challenges is a community-wide effort, necessitating the pooling of our resources and experiences in order to develop new paradigms and techniques. The aim of this workshop is to gather as much researchers and practitioners and their experiences in this field to discuss the latest findings, create opportunities for collaboration and move the state of the art forward.
WPS2008 : The 2nd International Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security WPS-08 aims to merge the recent research achievements in developing new theories, algorithms, architectures, systems and integrated applications that exploit Web and Pervasive Security. The workshop will provide a forum for presenting and exchanging new ideas and experiences in this area.
ATPC2008: The 1st IEEE Workshop on Agent Technologies for Pervasive Communities http://aser.ornl.gov/events/atpc2008/ This one-day workshop on Agent Technologies for Pervasive Communities aims to gather input and feedback through the collection of the high-quality contributions that reflect and advance the state-of-the art in agent-based ubiquitous and pervasive application systems.
PerDev2008: The First International Workshop on Power-Aware Pervasive Devices http://perdev08.ict.ac.cn/ In this workshop, we aim to address the issues of power-aware devices in pervasive computing. Topics of interest include dedicated processor and SoCs design for energy saving, lightweight electronic components for mobile devices, energy-efficient communication protocol, sleeping scheduling, location estimation, and human device interface.
PerCare: First International Workshop on Pervasive Digital Healthcare http://www.cse.ust.hk/~qianzh/percare2008/index.htm The PerCom 2008 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day Workshops affiliated with the conference. The workshops will be held prior to, or after, the main conference (i.e., on the 17th and 21th of March). PerCom provides a unique opportunity for workshops, as the participation in Workshops is included in the PerCom registration. Workshop proposals are encouraged to state how they could integrate conference participants in their discussion and program. |
Workshops |