[English] [] []

The First International Conference on Information Technology and Management

Theme: Best Practices on Development, Service and Education

holding in conjunction with International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology
(ICAIT 2006)

BEST PRACTICES: I.T. Application Case

3 - 5 January 2007, Hong Kong


*Conference Location - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Yuk Choi Road, Hong Kong (refer to program details)

*Presentation Info - Each paper presentation lasts for 20 minutes

The First International Conference of information Technology and Management (ICITM2007) will be held in Jan 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2007 in Hong Kong. The conference organized by the Institute for Systems Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University features the most recent research results in the concepts and development of information systems, industrial applications, business management, e-business education. As part of the mission of the Institute of Systems Management is to facilitate the application of information technology to industrial enterprises, tutorial and/or case presentation sessions would likely be organized concurrently with the conference to encourage more industrial/business participation. All registered participants of the conference would also be encouraged to attend those other sessions for industrial interaction.

The conference is jointly co-organized by 3 Universities, i.e. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang University, China and Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. This is the first joint conference of its kind held and surely it will bring together a wide range of contributors and participants including industrial, academic, educational and government contacts from China and around the world.

Publications: Papers will be referred and  all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings under an ISBN reference in CD-ROM support and summary abstracts booklet in hard copy. As post-conference publications, selected authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for possible inclusions in peer-reviewed international journals/edited book including:
    - International Journal of Campus-Wide Information Systems
    - International Journal of  Information and Operations Management Education
    - Springer-Verlag


Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 September 2006
Notification of Acceptance: 01 October 2006
Camera Ready Copy Deadline: 15 October 2006

Submission of Papers: Full paper should be submitted online. Templates are available at the conference web site .Interested authors should contact csronnie@comp.polyu.edu.hk or csnkliu@comp.polyu.edu.hk for any difficulties.



TOPICS OF INTEREST (include but not limited to)

Concepts and Development of
Information Systems

IS Architectures and Platforms
IS Tools and Standards
Information System Management
Decision Support Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining (OLAP etc)
Data Warehouse



Industrial Applications
Textile and Fashion
Manufacturing and Enterprise
Logistics and Supply Chain
Hotel and Tourism
Medicine and Health
Finance and Banking
Law and Government
Home and Office Automation
Enterprise and Games


E-Learning Platforms and Tools
Interactive Learning Systems
Standards, Policies and Best Practices in E-Learning
Pedagogical and Organizational Frameworks
Mobile Learning Applications
Building Learning Communities
E-Commerce Education
Management of Learning Resources
Learning & Content Management Systems
Virtual Classrooms, and Universities
Knowledge Management in E-Learning
Customer Training
Organizational E-Learning Strategies
Industry-University Partnership

Business Management
E-Business Strategies
Business process Re-engineering
Organisation Culture and Change Management
IS Adoption and Strategies
Enterprise Resource Plan
Customer Relationship Management
Supply Chain Management
Business Intelligence
Knowledge Management





Proposals are invited for high-quality half-day tutorials. Proposals should include a two-page description and motivation for the topic of the tutorial, the full name and address of the tutorial speaker(s), a concise description of the contents and goals of the tutorial with a few keywords for each section, a rough estimate of the time spent on each section, the level of the tutorial, the required audience experience, and the speaker(s) biography. Tutorial proposals should be submitted by email to (cshleung@comp.polyu.edu.hk or manchung.chan@inet.polyu.edu.hk ) no later than 30 November, 2006.

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