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Curriculum Vitae
Research Group
I am mainly working on algorithmic graph theory and its applications. I'm also interested in theoretical computer science in the broadest sense.
- algorithmic & structural graph theory and graph classes,
- fine-grained complexity and algorithm design,
- combinatorial optimization, and
- their applications in social networks and bioinformatics.
Events (author–organizer–speaker):
++ TAMC'22
++ COCOON'22
++ 算法与复杂性
++ FPT Fest
++ 理论计算机科学年会
++ MFCS'23
++ ESA'23
++ ISAAC'23
++ COCOON'23
++ TAMC'24
++ 理论计算机科学年会
++ ICML'24
++ COCOON'24
++ MFCS'24
++ ESA'24
Teaching (current)
S2025: COMP3022, Algorithm Engineering.
Grants (PI only)
- Forbidden structures of circular-arc graphs and their algorithmic applications, PolyU, 09/2015--08/2017
- Theoretical analysis of heuristics in big data, NLSDE, 07/2016–07/2018.
- Efficient algorithms for graph modification problems, RGC, 01/2016–12/2018.
- Combinatorial and algorithmic studies on cycles, NSFC, 01/2016–12/2019.
- Graph algorithms based on modular decomposition, RGC, 01/2017–12/2019.
- Super-polynomial approximation of graph problems, RGC, 01/2018–12/2020.
- Algorithmic study on chordal and related graphs, NSFC, 01/2020–12/2023.
- Approximation algorithms for phylogenetic networks, RGC, 01/2021–12/2023.
- (Parameterized) complexity of graph edge editing problems, NSFC, 01/2024–12/2027.
- October 2024, paper "Self-complementary (pseudo-)split graphs" accepted by Graphs and Combinatorics.
- August 2024, visit Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) and Warsaw University of Technology.
- June 2024, paper "Modification problems toward proper (Helly) circular-arc graphs" accepted by Information and Computation.
- June 2024, paper "Switching classes: characterization and computation" accepted by MFCS 2024.
- May 2024, paper "Minimum sum vertex cover: kernelization and parameterized algorithms" accepted by COCOON 2024.
- May 2024, Jing Huang visits us from the University of Victoria.
- May 2024, paper "Combinatorial approximations for cluster deletion: simpler, faster, and better" accepted by ICML 2024.
- April 2024, Tomasz Krawczyk visits us from Warsaw University of Technology.
- December 2023, paper "Self-complementary (pseudo-)split graphs" accepted by LATIN 2024.
- August 2023, visit Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński).
- June 2023, paper "Modification problems toward proper (Helly) circular-arc graphs" accepted by MFCS 2023.
- June 2023, paper "Enumerating maximal induced subgraphs" accepted by ESA 2023.
- August 2023, visit University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
- May 2023, Miss Ying Xu joined our group.
- Apr. 2022, paper "Graph searches and their end vertices" accepted by Algorithmica.
- Apr. 2022, paper "(Sub)linear kernels for edge modification problems toward structured graph classes" accepted by Algorithmica.
- Jan. 2022, paper "A 5k-vertex kernel for P2-packing" accepted by Theoretical Computer Science.
- Dec. 2021, Mr. Haowei Chen joined our group.
- Oct. 2021, paper "A polynomial kernel for diamond-free editing" accepted by Algorithmica.
- Aug. 2021, paper "Polynomial kernels for paw-free edge modification problems" accepted by Theoretical Computer Science.
- July 2021, paper "Improved kernels for edge modification problems" accepted by IPEC'21.
- July 2021, paper "End vertices of graph searches on bipartite graphs" accepted by Information Processing Letters.
- May 2021, to co-orginize a minisymposium on "Algorithms for interval graphs and related families" at CanaDAM 2021.
- Apr. 2021, paper "Complementation in t-perfect graphs" accepted by WG'21.
- Oct. 2020, paper "Recognizing (unit) interval graphs by zigzag graph searches" accepted by SOSA'21.
- Aug. 2020, taught the CCF Summer School on algrothmic graph theory.
- Apr. 2020, paper "Characterization and linear-time recognition of paired threshold graphs" accepted by WG'20.
- Feb. 2020, paper "Polynomial kernels for paw-free edge modification problems" accepted by TAMC'20.
- Dec. 2019, paper "Minimum fill-in: Inapproximability and almost tight lower bounds" accepted by Information and Computation.
- Oct. 2019, The Algorithmica Special Issue on Computing and Combinatorics is finally published.
- Aug. 2019, paper "Graph searches and their end vertices" accepted by ISAAC 2019.
- Aug. 2019, Mr. Shenghua Wang joined our group.
- Aug. 2019, visited Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
- July 2019, visited Institute for Basic Science, Korean.
- June 2019, taught a mini-course "graph algorithms based on modular decomposition" at Lanzhou University.
- Jan. 2019, visited Hangzhou Dianzi University.
- Sep. 2018, visited Sun Yat-sen University.
- Aug. 2018, visited Lanzhou University.
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