Yixin Cao (操宜新)

Associate Professor
Department of Computing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, China *

yi – in.c – o@polyu.edu.hk
(substitute '–' with human intelligence)
+852 3400-3195
PQ706, Mong Man Wai Building


Publications     Slides     Google Scholar     DBLP     Curriculum Vitae                              Research Group    

I am mainly working on algorithmic graph theory and its applications. I'm also interested in theoretical computer science in the broadest sense.

Events (authororganizerspeaker):

ICALP'22 ++ TAMC'22 ++ COCOON'22
WG'23 ++ 算法与复杂性 ++ FPT Fest ++ 理论计算机科学年会 ++ MFCS'23 ++ ESA'23 ++ ISAAC'23 ++ COCOON'23
LATIN'24 ++ TAMC'24 ++ 理论计算机科学年会 ++ ICML'24 ++ COCOON'24 ++ MFCS'24 ++ ESA'24

Teaching (current)

S2025: COMP3022, Algorithm Engineering.

Grants (PI only)


* Hong Kong has no postal code, so put 0000 if you're stubbornly required to.