We are always seeking motivated and dedicated individuals to join our group! Positions including PhD/MPhil, Postdoc and Research Assistant/Associate are subject to funding availability. We offer competitive salaries, a positive enviroment for learning and doing research, and opportunities to gain research experience and advance your career. Interested applicants may send their resume to me. Suitable candidates will be selected for interviews. Preference will be given to applicants with exposure/experience in machine learning and data mining, good programming skills, and solid mathematical background.
January 2022: Congratulations to FAN Lu, LI Qimai, LIU Bo, and ZHANG Xiaotong for their paper accepted to WWW 2022! Paper and code will be available soon.
January 2022: Congratulations to DAI Quanyu for his paper accepted to TKDE! Code will be released soon.
December 2021: Congratulations to WANG Cong for his paper accepted to AAAI 2022! Paper and code will be released soon.
September 2021: Congratulations to SHI Guangyuan, CHEN Jiaxin, ZHANG Wenlong, and ZHAN Li-Ming for their paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 for spotlight presentation (less than 3% acceptance rate)!
August 2021: Congratulations to ZHANG Haode, ZHANG Yuwei, ZHAN Li-Ming, CHEN Jiaxin, and SHI Guanyuan for their paper accepted to Findings of EMNLP 2021 as a short paper!
June 2021: Congratulations to LIU Bo and ZHAN Li-Ming for their paper accepted to MICCAI 2021!
May 2021: Congratulations to LI Qimai, ZHANG Xiaotong, LIU HAN and DAI Quanyu for their paper accepted to KDD 2021 research track!
May 2021: Congratulations to ZHAN Li-Ming, LIANG Haowen, LIU Bo and FAN Lu for their paperaccepted to ACL 2021 main conference as a long paper (oral)!
January 2021: Congratulations to LIU Bo, ZHAN Li-Ming and XU Li for their paper accepted to ISBI 2021!
September 2020: Congratulations to CHEN Jiaxin, LI Yanke, LI Qimai and ZHAN Li-Ming for their paper on meta-learning theory accepted to NeurIPS 2020! Paper is available now.
July 2020: Congratulations to ZHAN Li-Ming, LIU Bo, FAN Lu and CHEN Jiaxin for their paper accepted to ACM MM 2020! Paper and code are available now!
May 2020: Congratulations to WANG Menghan for his paper accepted to KDD 2020 applied data science track as oral presentation! Paper and code are available for download now!
April 2020: Congratulations to YAN Guangfeng, FAN Lu, LI Qimai, LIU Han, ZHANG Xiaotong for their paper accepted to ACL 2020! Paper and code are available.
November 2019: Congratulations to CHEN Jiaxin and ZHAN Li-Ming for their paper accepted to AAAI 2020! Paper and code are available.
August 2019: Congratulations to LIU Han, ZHANG Xiaotong, FAN Lu, FU Xuandi and LI Qimai for their paper accepted to EMNLP 2019! Paper and code are now available.
May 2019: Congratulations to ZHANG Xiaotong, LIU Han and LI Qimai for their paper accepted to IJCAI 2019! Paper and code are available for download now!
March 2019: Congratulations to LI Qimai for winning the highly competitive Hong Kong PhD Fellowship award!
February 2019: Congratulations to LI Qimai, LIU Han, ZHANG Xiaotong and GUAN Zhichao for their paper accepted to CVPR 2019! Paper and code are available for download now!
December 2018: Congratulations to WANG Yong and LI Qimai for their paper "Large Margin Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Classification" accepted to NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Meta-Learning!
February 2018: I gave an oral presentation of our paper at AAAI 2018.
November 2017: Congratulations to our group members LI Qimai and HAN Zhichao for the acceptance of their paper in AAAI 2018! Qimai is only a first-year master student, and Zhichao has just joined us for a few months!
June 2016: I joined the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an assistant professor.