Dr. Wei Lou

Associate Professor
Department of Computing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Hum, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Office: PQ 705
Phone: (852) 27667290
Fax: (852) 27740842
Email: csweilou@comp.polyu.edu.hk
URL: http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~csweilou
My research interests are in the areas of wireless networking, mobile cloud computing, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, peer to peer networks, and smart city technologies. I have worked on designing, analyzing and evaluating practical algorithms with the theoretical basis, as well as building prototype systems.
- COMP201 Principles of Programming
- COMP232 Fundamentals of Programming
- COMP307 Operating Systems and System Programming
- COMP308 System Modelling and Simulation
- COMP404 Information Network Protocols and Management
- COMP437/4342 Mobile Computing
- COMP5236 Wireless Computing Systems and Applications
- COMP5322 Internet Computing and Applications
- COMP5411 Fundamentals of Operating Systems
- COMP5527 Mobile Computing and Data Management
Professional Activities
- Editor: The Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, An International Journal, 2009- 2011.
- Guest Editors: The Special Issue on Wireless and Mobile Networking, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2009.
- Program Co-chairs: HOT-MP2P, MASN 2005
- Conference Local Chairs: Infocom 2015, UIC-07
- Publicity Chairs: NAS 2010, UASS 2007, UCI-07, MSN 2006, GCC 2006
- Publication Co-Chairs: DCOSS 2012
- Program Committee Members:
- Infocom (2008-2017)
- Mobihoc (2008)
- MASS (2006,2007)
- MSN(2006-2012)
For Prospective Graduate Students
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