COMP 5524 - Workflow Management and Collaborative Systems
Spring 2012
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Instructor and Office Hours:

Ajay Kumar (csajaykr at comp dot polyu dot edu dot hk)
Office: PQ 835 
Office hours: Fri 5:30pm - 7:00pm or by appointment

Lecture schedule:

First Class for Spring 2012 starts on Jan 9 in EF 312
Mon	18:30 - 20:30	EF-312
Mon	20:30 - 21:30	EF-312 or PQ603/QT402

Indicative Reference Books:

nRashid N. Khan, Business Process Management: A Practical Guide, Meghan-Kiffer Press, 2004.
nD. Chaffey, Groupware, Workflow and Intranets: Reengineering the Enterprise with Collaborative Software, Digital Press, 1998.

L. Fischer (Editor), Workflow Handbook, Future Strategies, 2005.

Suggested Prerequisites:
No prerequisite - An undergraduate level understanding of basic computer skills is assumed since this course is directed for postgraduate students.

Course Objectives:


The course will be directed to provide broad understanding of collaborative systems so as to streamline intra-organizational and inter-organizational business process. It includes the study of business process reengineering and balanced scorecard framework, process lifecycle, process modeling and analysis, system integration through EAI and XML technology, document management and imaging system. Industry standard such as WfMC workflow reference model and XML consortiums (e.g. RosettaNet, ebXML) formed in various industry will also be covered. The lab sessions of this course are focussed to provide hands on experience in the design, development and implementation of business process workflow/webflow solutions and XML based collaboration tools.


Teaching Materials:


Lab Tutorial Material

       Lab #3-5 Reference Notes--- (Business Process Modeling and Execution using BizAgi)

       Special Lab Session Files --- (Business Process Modeling and Execution using BizAgi)

       XML Lab Tutorials (All Supporting Material) 


The tentative weight associated with each grading component is as follows:

Grading Policy:





Business to Business Integration:       

Teaching Assistant:

Useful Links:

Last updated: Monday, 09 January 2012 11:49:08 TST (Ajay Kumar)