COMP 321 - Introduction to E-Business
Fall 2013
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Instructor and Office Hours:

Ajay Kumar
Office: PQ 835 
Meeting Hours: Wednesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm or by appointment.

Lecture schedule:

First Class for Fall 2013 starts on September 12 in QR-403
Wednesday	8:30am - 11:00am	QR-403
Lab/Tutorials: Group 2 - Wed 11:30-12:30 (PQ 604c), Group 3 - Wed 15:30-16:30 (PQ 604C), Group 1 - Thus 12:30-13:30 (PQ 604C)

Reference Books:


nK. C. Laudon and C. G. Traver, E-Commerce 2013: Business, Commerce, and Society, Prantice Hall, Nineth Edition, 2013.

D. Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management, Prentice Hall, Fourth Edition, 2012.

J. A. O’Brien and G. M. Marakas, Introduction to Information Systems, 16th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013.

Suggested Prerequisites:
COMP 201

Course Objectives:


The course will be directed to provide a broad understanding of information systems so as to streamline intra-organizational and inter-organizational e-business process. This course also provides hands on training on developing the e-business applications and web sites using currently popular software packages, web authoring and development tools. The business processes enabled by integrating information systems, telecommunications and internet-based technologies formed in various industry, e-security challenges, along with their ethical and social impact will also be covered


Course Topics:

Overview of E-Business, Software Solutions for E-Business, The Social Infrastructure for E-Business, The Technical Infrastructure for E-Business, E-Business System Design and Development, E-Business Environment

Teaching Materials:


The tentative marks associated with each grading component is as follows:

Grading Policy:

  • Assignments have to be uploaded using BlackBoard or handed in before lecture begins on the due date.
  • No make-up for exams for CA component


  • Assignment 1 - Submission Deadline 22/10/13 [Over!]
  • Assignment 2 - Submission Deadline 25/11/13 [Over!] 

Best Projects: Cakeaholic  EM-Shop   A Magician Jimka Prutiff   ShadowFishing



  • Continuous Assessments: 60% On 20/10/08 (18:30-20:30; PQ-305) - Results
  • Final Exam Assessment: 40%n 17/11/08 (18:30-20:30; PQ-305) - Results


Business Models

Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Challenges for Secured E-Business

Starting Your Own E-Business in Hong Kong


Teaching Assistant:

  • Mr. Takazumi Matsumoto, Mr. Jason Zhao

Useful Links:

Last updated: Monday, 2 December 2013 19:38:42 TST (Ajay Kumar)