The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Finger Image Database (Version 1.0)
The finger vein identification has emerged as highly secured and convenient biometric for civilian applications. However, finger vein biometric modality has attracted very little attention from the researchers while some commercial products have already been made available in the market. In the best of our knowledge, there is no freely available finger vein image databases so far in the public domain. The researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have been developing the finger vein image database since April 2009. The objective is to establish large scale finger vein image database for the research and make it available in the public domain to further more promising research efforts.
Brief Description
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University finger image database consists of simultaneously acquired finger vein and finger surface texture images from the male and female volunteers. This database has been largely acquired during April 2009 - March 2010 using a contactless imaging device in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus . The currently available database has 6264 images from the 156 subjects, all the images are in bitmap (*.bmp) format. In this dataset about 93% of the subjects are younger than 30 years. The finger images were acquired in two separate sessions with a minimum interval of one month, maximum interval of over six months and the average interval of 66.8 days. In each session, each of the subjects provided 6 image samples from index finger middle finger respectively, and each sample consisting of one finger vein image and one finger texture image from left hand. Therefore, each subject provided 24 images in one session.
Sample Images
The entire database as detailed above is made available for the research. The sample images from this database are reproduced in the following image sets.
Download and Copyright
The database is being made available for the researchers from September 2010 onwards. Interested researchers should follow following steps to acquire "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Finger Image Database Version 1.0"
1. Download the application form and the license agreement;
2. Please carefully read the license agreement and get this license agreement approved and signed by the head of your institution or the person who is authorized to make legal contracts with other universities/institutions in your university/institution;
3. The signed license agreement should uploaded, along with other requested details, via the online submission link;
4. You should be able to receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your submission;
5. If/when your application is approved and another email (within next 10 days) will be sent to you with the details of downloading the database.
All the rights of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Finger Image Database are reserved and commercial use/distribution of this database is strictly prohibited. In addition, the registered users of this database should seek explicit approval for publishing or posting any image(s) from this dataset (only the images from some particular subjects can be used for such research report/publications and such restrictions must be ensured).
Ajay Kumar and Yingbo Zhou,
“Human Identification
using Finger Images”,
IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 21, pp.
2228-2244, April
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