IIT Delhi Iris Database (Version 1.0)
In the context of recent popularity of iris based personal identification systems, especially for its usage in a country of billion plus population, the performance of the claimed/proposed state-of-the algorithms has to be indigenously evaluated. The success of any such performance evaluation heavily depends on the availability of large scale iris database which has been acquired in real environment. The Biometrics Research Laboratory at IIT Delhi has been collecting iris database since 2007. The objective is to establish a large scale iris database of Indian users and make it available in the public domain.
Brief Description
The IIT Delhi Iris Database mainly consists of the iris images collected from the students and staff at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. This database has been acquired in Biometrics Research Laboratory during Jan - July 2007 (still in progress) using JIRIS, JPC1000, digital CMOS camera [2]. The image acquisition program was written to acquire and save these images in bitmap format and is also freely available on request. The currently available database is from 224 users, all the images are in bitmap (*.bmp) format. All the subjects in the database are in the age group 14-55 years comprising of 176 males and 48 females. The database of 1120 images is organized into 224 different folders each associated with the integer identification/number. The resolution of these images is 320 ´ 240 pixels and all these images were acquired in the indoor environment.
Sample Images
The entire database is being made available as it was acquired (none of the images have been removed) with the varying image quality. The sample images from this database are reproduced in the following image set.
Download and Copyright
The database is being made available for the researchers from November 2007 onwards. Interested researchers should follow following steps to acquire the 'IIT Delhi Iris Database version1.0'
1. Visit the online application link and provide all the details in this application form;
2. The request confirmation
will be sent by email and the applicants can download the database using
instructions in the email.
All the rights of the IIT Delhi Iris Database are reserved and commercial use/distribution of this database is strictly prohibited. All the technical reports and papers that report experimental results from this database should provide due acknowledgement and reference to [1]. Questions regarding this database can be directed to ajaykr@ieee.org.
[1] Ajay Kumar
and Arun Passi, "Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable personal authentication,”
Pattern Recognition,
vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 1016-1026, Mar. 2010.
[2] http://www.jiristech.com/download/jpc_series.pdf
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