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                  IEEE PerCom 2008: Google Ph.D. Forum
A Ph.D. Forum on Pervasive Computing and Communications

Sponsored by Google

Forum Chair: Joseph Kee-Yin NG, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

Camera-ready paper due date: Feb 18, 2008

List of Accepted Papers (DOC, PDF)


Forum Information


For the first time, PerCom will include a Ph.D. Forum in her technical programme. The Ph.D. Forum will  be organized as a poster  session for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their dissertation research with people in the pervasive computing and communications community.  It will be an interesting  forum for  Ph.D. students  to get feedback on their research and for
industry to  see academic  work in progress.


We have received 35 papers  from 19 Countries and Regions including USA, Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, Australia,  Japan, Taiwan, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Malaysia,  Norway,  Sweden, and  Switzerland.  Of these 35  pieces of contributions, we were only  able  to accept  13 papers to the Forum.


Authors of accepted contributions must travel to PerCom 2008 and make a poster presentation on their topic at the forum. There is no forum registration fee  for these authors.


All accepted papers will be published in the Forum proceedings and included in the program only when the author has presented it at the Forum. And only those who have presented at the Forum are eligible for the cash prizes of  HK$10K,  HK$7.5K   and  HK$5K, sponsored by Google.


Important Notes to the Presenters: Given the tight schedule, please work fast for any revision or update of your work. And please send me ( your camera-ready manuscript (in PDF format) by Feb 18, 2008.


The final copy is limited to 4 two-column IEEE pages. You may wish to consult The IEEE Author Digital Toolbox for guidelines and it also provides Template for all Transactions papers:









Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society,

The IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing

The University of Texas at Arlington,

The HK University of Science and Technology,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

The Croucher Foundation

The KC Wong Education Foundation

The Google Company

The IBM Research Lab

The Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal (Elsevier )

The US National Science Foundation

The Microsoft Corporation

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Site last updated Mar. 13 2008

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PH.D forum