The 4th International Conference on
Web-based Learning (ICWL 2005)

31st July - 3rd August , 2005 , Hong Kong SAR, China

Organized by :
Hong Kong
Web Society
Hosted by :
Sponsored by :
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
City University of
Hong Kong


Contact :


ICWL is an annual international conference on web-based learning. The first ICWL was held in Hong Kong in 2002. Since then, it has been held in Melbourne, Australia (2003) and Beijing, China (2004). ICWL 2005 will be held in Hong Kong again, an exciting and beautiful city in Asia with a population of nearly 7 million people. The technical program will feature keynote addresses, tutorials, technical demonstrations and special sessions, in addition to technical presentations of refereed papers. We cordially invite you to submit your work in one of the above forms in the following areas:

  • e-Learning Platforms and Tools
  • Learning Resource Deployment, Organization and Management
  • Practice and Experience Sharing
  • e-Learning Standards
  • Pedagogical Issues
  • Web-based Learning for Oriental Languages

Main Conference Committee

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Kamal Karlapalem , IIIT (India)
  • Qing Li , Hong Kong Web Society

Program Co-Chairs

  • Ronnie Cheung , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Rynson W.H. Lau , City University of Hong Kong


Application Track Committee

Application Track Co-chair

  • Joseph Fong , City University of Hong Kong
  • Reggie Kwan , Open University of Hong Kong
  • Kenneth Lau , ICON Ltd


Paper Submission


Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting on research results or novel applications in web-based learning. Papers for submissions should be formatted in single column, 1.5 spacing of no more than 20 pages for review. All papers should be submitted in PDF format. The conference proceedings for the main track will be published as a volume in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Queries relating to the main track submissions should be addressed to the PC chairs by email to and any questions relating to application track submissions should be addressed to the application track co-chair Reggie Kwan by email to


Important Dates

Full paper submission: February 22, 2005 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2005 (Accepted Papers)
Camera-ready copy due: May 2, 2005


Special Issues and Awards

Authors of the best papers presented in the conference will be invited to submit extended versions their papers for possible publication in a special issue of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (JDET). Papers that are relevant to oriental language processing may be selected for publication in a special issue of the International Journal on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL). Best paper awards and best student paper awards will be given to the best papers presented in the conference.

Conference Objective

  • To provide a forum for discussion among educators, researchers, technologists for addressing the various aspects on Web-based learning.
  • To provide a showcase for the implementation of the cyber mode of learning and to address the technical, pedagogical, management and social issues associated with the implementation.
  • To explore concepts and examples of good practice in developing, integrating and delivering e-learning solutions.
  • To provide an opportunity for conference participants and solution providers for e-learning to exchange views and provide feedback on Web-based learning.

Steering Committee

Shi-Kuo Chang, University of Pittsburg, USA
Joseph Fong, Hong Kong Web Society (Past Chair), Hong Kong
Horace Ip, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Qing Li, Hong Kong Web Society (Chair), Hong Kong
Xiaoming Li, Peking University, China
Maria Orlowska, The University of Queensland, Australia
Yuanchun Shi, Tsinghua University, China
Timothy Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan


More Sponsors:

Pei Wah
K.C. Wong Education Foundation

Industrial and Publication Exhibitors:

Thomson Learning
Campus Wide Information Systems

Copyright (C) 2005 ICWL Committee. All right reserved.